Spent a great Fathers Day hiking in the mountains and fishing with the family. It was a nice day and I had one of those "this is what it's all about moments".

Just some snapshots to share from or little light weight point and shoot camera. Decided to leave the heavy gear at home this time around. I'm pretty amazed at the quality of the pictures from such a little camera though (Canon SD750).

Was also fun trying out a few new things on the trail. One being my new Merrill shoes, which I'm loving so far, and the other being a test run of trying to push our Kelty Jogging stroller up the mountain.

It actually handled real well over the rocks on the trail, and I had very little problem pushing it the mile and a half up to Island Lake (note, we were actually hanging out at the little lake next to Island Lake, which even though nobody seemed to believe me has no official name). We're thinking in a month or so we'll go back up there with our camping gear and stay a night or two. It's really the perfect place for the kids first backpacking trip.

In other news Jennifer (my wife) and I are taking some canoeing classes and are thinking about buying a 15 or 16 footer. I'm already dreaming about paddling out to some remote boat-in only campsites, or just cruising on one of the many small lakes in the area. Fun fun :-)

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