Sunday, August 9, 2009

Learning to Swim


As you get older, you start to take for granted all the things you've learned in your lifetime. When you have kids you gain a whole new perspective on what it's like to learn these things when you're young. Watching my daughter Megan learn how to swim has been one of those experiences, and I can't explain how proud I am of her watching from the side lines (pool side in this case).


She's definitely the cautious type, personality wise, so it was great to see her confidence grow to the point where she's jumping in and swimming 10 to 15 yards on her own. I think the program they have here helps a lot too. Basically it's just a ton of high school aged kids out there with all the little ones. Usually two instructors to 3 or 4 students so they lots of one-on-one time. They're very enthusiastic, and the kids seem to take to them well.


More photos from swim class can be found here.

Speaking of learning new things, she starts the first grade tomorrow! I'm so amazingly proud of her. I think she's the coolest girl in the world :-)


1 comment:

Felicia said...

they grow up fast huh! my impression of her is just a wee little girl, even though i met her just over a year ago!

very cute :)